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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Verse for the Year

I don't make a habit of choosing a life verse or yearly verse. But when God hands one to me on a platter, I pay attention.

Daniel 12:3 appeared on my scripture calendar last Friday. The same verse is imprinted on the Grandmother's Bible I received for my birthday.

And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. (NIV)

To be honest, when I first read the verse last Friday, my reaction was "Well, I certainly messed that up this week. I have been anything BUT wise or shining." (I know it's not me in any case, it's God, but I wasn't letting Him do His work.)

Then God repeated the message. Now what?

Today a Christian friend at work sent me an email saying she wishes she could be strong like me. I responded than when her time of testing comes, God will give her the strength she needs--one minute at a time.

So I don't know if the verse is a glimpse into what God wants to do in my life this next year. Or a testimony to what He is already doing, even when I feel so weak and foolish and vulnerable.

But I will return to this verse many times. And see what God else has to tell me.

Any thoughts?


NancyMehl said...

Sounds like one of those "goal" verses, Darlene. You have been given a great gift - one of communication. Perhaps God is telling you that He wants to use you to share His love with many people. How exciting. And I believe wisdom comes from sitting at His feet, like Mary did, drawing from the well of His Word. Sometimes we want to be Martha - running around and "doing." But when you've had to face something huge - something as painful as the death of a child - perhaps it's a time to sit quietly at His feet and draw strength from Him.

I was thinking about you this morning and wanted to stop by and see how you're doing. You're still in my prayers, my friend.


Mary Connealy said...

I've never heard this verse before, Darlene. It's wonderful and challenging and I'm going to mediate on it too. Thank you.