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Monday, July 7, 2008

Friends. What would I do without them?

A friend at work told me the other day that I'm always smiling.

"Really?" I asked. Surely my face has reflected the constant weight on my spirit.


What a blessing. If I'm smiling, it's God smiling in me, His abundant goodness and joy showing through. I can't say I've felt it. I don't know if Kathleen knows how much she affirmed by complimenting my smile.

Last night, a friend from our old church called. Like Joni Woelfel, who wrote to say she was praying for us over the holiday, Nancy asked how we had fared over the weekend.

Nancy lost a child twelve years ago. She knows how hard holidays can be. We talked for a long thirty minutes, ending our conversation with a celebration of God's goodness.

Nancy and Kathleen aren't the only ones. If I tried to name them all, I would leave someone out.

But just know every time you take the time to call, or write a card, or post a message (waving at Mary!), you make our days easier. Your prayers are the power that keep us moving forward.


Mary Connealy said...

Sometimes I just have reactions to your post, things come to my head to say and I'm not sure from where. So I worry I'll say the wrong thing, something hurtful or stupid. Forgive me if I do. I cannot pretend to know what this is like, I only know how hard I can imagine it would be, and then know the truth must be so much worse.

Anyway, the though today is that coal turns into diamonds under tremendous pressure. God is always creating and refining and it's not always comfortable. But there is beauty and something valuable and precious that results.

Darlene Franklin said...

Mary, thank you so much for stopping by each and every day. You have never said anything offensive.

Yes, God will make something beautiful out of this. I don't know what, but I trust him.