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Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Wow. Last week I had 36 comments left on the various blog entries, more than I used to get in a whole month! A big thanks to MaryLu for being my guest, and to all of you who stopped by.

Winners from the month of July:
  1. Winners of The Crimson Cipher by Susan Page Davis: Keli and Merry.
  2. Winner of Love Finds You in Calico, California: Janet
  3. Winner of whichever of my books that they choose: Rachel, Jodi, Rebecca

If you haven't heard from me regarding your winning entry, please contact me at belovedfranklin at msn dot com.

This month MaryLu Tyndall is giving away a copy of her book, Surrender the Heart, and I will be giving away 3-4 of my own books (if we reach 46 comments this month, I will give away 4 books!)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations winners!

Merry said...

Thanks again!

Darlene Franklin said...

You're welcome, Merry!

Kameko said...

Congratulations to the winners!!


Debbie Mitchell said...

Congrats to the winners. Is this where we enter to win MaryLu's and Darlene Franklin's books? If so, please enter me.

Darlene Franklin said...

Deb, every comment left on a post during the month earns you a separate "chance" on that's months giveaways. So this counts. :)