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Friday, January 24, 2014


Not sure if I'm going to continue with poems over the weekend--I have written a slew of them over the past couple of days. I've told you the prompt and form I've used for each one . . . On a couple of these, I strived for a light-hearted tone. Hope you enjoy!

Prompt: From devotional reading
Form: Haiku

Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. Matt 11:29, Message

God’s grace unformed speaks
Rhythmic spasms of mercy
Lightening my heart
Prompt: well-known song
Form: Parody


I know an author who writes a word
And “there” is the right word, yes.
And “there” is the right word, yes

I know an author who writes a word
And “there” is the right word, yes.
And “here” is the right word, yes

I know an author who writes a word
And “here” is the right word, yes.
And “ere” is the right word, yes

I know an author who writes a word
And “ere” is the right word, yes.
And “re” is the right word, yes

I know an author who writes a word
And “re” is the right word, yes.
And “e” is the right word, yes
Prompt: Write a poem about yourself in which nothing is true.
Form: Acronym

D       rop out
A       ctive
R        ich
L        efty
E        uropean
N       ot schooled
E        agle-eyed

H       ateful

F        rugal
R        epublican
A       thlete
N       arrow-minded
K        now-it-all
L        arge family
I        ndependent
N       eat

Prompt: single-word, “waste”
Form: used the form suggested by the quote, /--/-- first line /--/--  second line, rhymes with first.

“Use it up, wear it out,
Make do, or do without.”
Wisdom oft spoken by
Parents not known to lie.
War’s sacrifices, the
Greatest paid, heart and head
Child of the Fifties went
Broke before monthly rent
Waste was our middle name
Saving a foolish game
Prompt: picture (can't find now. A toadstool with a white trunk and red top)
Form: free form


I come from a long line of brown-roofed homes,
uniform, safe—uninteresting
I hike for miles over coffee-colored ground
Passing through a forest of conformity
In the distance I see a single red square
I hurdle myself end over end
Seeking that vision of red-over-white

Leaving rainbow dust in my wake

1 comment:

Laura Ashley said...

These are so cool! I love poetry, memorizing it AND writing it. I still remember the first poem I ever read - William Wordsworth's 'Daffodils'.I like the idea of doing poetry challenges.Your poems are great! I think the 'boy's idea would be super fun to do with my bffs.
Have a nice day,
-Laura Ashley