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Sunday, March 18, 2012


Do you ever have days when you feel like all you can is hold on? Those days when the glass definitely feels half full (and it wouldn't take much to drain it completely.) When the phone rings, asking for "the head of household" and you cautiously say "yes?"

When you simply hang on for bedtime, and trust God that tomorrow will be better? That your primary goal simply to get through the day?

Abraham was having one of those days. Three times in Genesis 22 (KJV version), he says "Here I am."

Yes, that chapter. When God tested Abraham by telling him to sacrifice his son on the mountain.

The first time he says the words, God is opening up a conversation. "Abraham!" "Yes, God. Here I am."

The second time, Isaac raises the troublesome question of "where is the sacrifice?" He begins with "My father?" That time, when Abraham said "Here am I," he began one the hardest conversaton ever held between father and teenage son.

The third time he said it, he held his knife poised, ready to strike Isaac in the heart. The angel of the Lord called "Abraham, Abraham!"

Abraham's response--"Here am I."

What a day (or several days). Started out as a normal day, turned into a nightmare, ended with a triumph of faith. I bet Abraham was exhausted, wrung by an emotonal wringer.

When I have one of those days . . . never as bad as what Abraham endured. . .I will offer that simple affirmation and offering. I'm here, Lord. I'm listening, waiting.

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Karla said...

What a great blog!! It reminds me of the quote: 80% of success is showing up. I often find myself putting myself under tons of pressure & "blaming" God for it!! Thanks for the reminder of grace. Often, the power of "here I am" is all the power of God needs. Great truth, as always, Darlene

Darlene Franklin said...

And as usual, you make t sound much more profound that I did . . .It was all Abraham could say, but it was enough.

Anonymous said...

I would tend to argue with God that this went against what I knew about His character, so was this really from Him? I want commands to "make sense". There would be long trails in the sand from my heals digging in. It would be a lot easier to just say, "I'm here". :-)
Linda LaRock

Holly Bryant said...

The story of Abraham and Isaac is quite special to me. My older daughter, Emily, had a grade 4 melanoma at the age of 12 months...yes, months! That Bible story called to me as I struggled to offer my daughter to the Lord in blind faith. To HIS glory, I can rejoice with you as I have watched her celebrate 33 years since then! He does give us what we need, when we need it!! Thank you for your insight!!

Ada brownell said...

This is a wonderful story of Abraham getting a hold of God and knowing God would see him, just as he was--and notice his needs.

Love it.

Ada Brownell said...

I know everyone has bad days, but when I have one I can't believe it's happening!

Tears dripped off my cheeks one day wne I was complaining to the Lord about my problems and in my prayer I told Jesus, "Even you said in this world we will have tribultion." Then suddenly I realized what the remainder of the scripture in John 16:33 says, "But be of good cheer. I have overcome the world."