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Sunday, December 15, 2013


The nursing center where I live has changed hands. Which means a change in procedures, several of which I just don't like.

I understand (even if I'm not crazy about) having a roommate. State pays for double rooms. Period. Residence is so low at the moment that we can stay in half the building and so they moved us all around. I have a roommate. She has even more things than I do, so things are tight, and she's a chatterbox. :) We'll adjust (I hope).

They are making all the aides wear one color, the nurses another, and so forth. I feel badly for them. And I'll miss the whimsical scrubs, from Eeyore to rainbows to hopeful sayings.

Now they've assigned us seating in the dining room. In a world where I have very little control, getting told where to sit when I eat goes one step too far.

In spite of all of that, I am happy.

I turned in my latest book (Saving Felicity, coming next August) on Thursday. Oh, it feels so good!

A publisher has asked for a full manuscript from me. So the one that was turned down by the one publisher may find a home. (Now to find time to edit it. . .)

I told an aide about a jingle bell necklace my mother always wore, decorated to look like Rudolph. Bless her heart, she brought me a jingle bell necklace, said she looked for a red nose without luck, and also brought a box of chocolates!

I brought out my foot tall gold wire Christmas tree to put on my nightstand.

I got to see my grandbabies open their presents.

And I'm reading a charming Christmas story, A Merry Little Christmas by Anita Higman.

Even sharing my table with the same people is a blessing. I try to involve everyone in the conversation (even the rarely verbal Wanda). And today I mentioned how I knew two of the women were huggers, and maybe we should share a hug at lunchtime. They were more than eager for a hug. Their faces lit up like Christmas (how's that for a cliche? LOL) And I felt like I made a difference in their lives today.

And a very brief Christmas thought.

The angel told Joseph to name Mary's son Jesus, "for he shall save his people from their sin." When Mary gave birth, Joseph named him--what else? I never questioned it before--Jesus. But this year I was struck. By naming the baby Jesus, Joseph expressed his faith in his Savior. And that is beautiful.


Wit, Words, & the Word said...

Losing control--bad.
Remembering God is still in control--very good.
Rejoicing in spite of circumstances--excellent.

Unknown said...

Changes are hard Smiles and Hugs help
Gods peace is absolutely priceless

bonton said...

Hi, Darlene!

I know it must be very hard, at times, to find things to be joyful about - in a nursing home (especially when you are in pain), the atmosphere can be SO depressing. My aunt was in a nursing home & hospital for over 3 months this year - I visited her regularly, & know how hard it must, also, be - to no longer be in control of your life.

You have inspired me, with the fact that, you have been able to find joy in the little things, amidst your trials! Praying for your healing!
