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Sunday, August 25, 2013


Barricade the road to Nowhere. . .I choose the true road to Somewhere. (Psalm 119:30, MSG)

I recently wrote about my birthday, and the intense soul-searching (and depression) that followed. Last night I ran across the above verse in writing My Daily Nibble blog ( if you're interested).

That's what I need to do. I felt like I was staring down the future road to Nowhere. Instead, God wants me to choose the road to Somewhere.

What or where that road leads, I don't know. I probably don't want to know, for the path there is rarely strewn with roses. At my age, I can't escape declining health and possibly mental faculties. If I didn't already know it, living here gives me a close-up view.

That sounds depressed, but I don't mean it to be. I'm saying, what else it out there on my road to Somewhere?

Part of it is purely prideful. I don't just want to make the difference in the lives of a handful of people. I never expected to be president. But I hoped for something BIG. Something as heroic as serving as a missionary. Or as grand as becoming a best-selling author. As astonishing as writing 100 books.

I do feel like I have a lot of wisdom to share with the next generation. But as is typical of our society today, not too many younger people are knocking my door down to learn from me. But there are staff members here, and fellow residents, whom I can encourage. This is my current stop on the Road, and I shouldn't ignore my family in my desire to do something big.

And My Daily Nibbles are also an expression of my knowledge and life and perhaps even wisdom every now and then about the Bible, which has been my greatest study since I was a child.

I would like my health to improve well enough for me to go to my grandchildren, to participate in family events. I don't know if I can. But I can write letters. They will know me, that way.

I have opportunities to teach writing classes online. I am training new writers from around the country, which is another goal.

In terms of 100 books. If I add the 23 books that have a story or article of mine in them, I am up to 55 books. More than halfway there. Hmm. Wow! I just might make it.

And I would like to explore of e-publishing.

So. My home. My family. Mentoring. Writing--and new avenues of writing.

And then, just possibly, something new. Something that has the possibility of being "big." Something which could take a lot of time:

Creating a website/blog for nursing home residents. Something to educate and encourage and raise awareness.

There are websites about medical problems and legal issues and government regulations. I have no desire to compete with them, but rather, to shed light into daily life, the joys and struggles.

(By the way, I'd love your thoughts about the above).

This probably feels repetitious. I guess I'm sayiing, there is plenty to feel like I'm on the true road to Somewhere.

God, barricade my mind against the road to Nowhere.


bonton said...

Hi, Darlene!

Just read several of your posts - even though I don't live in a nursing home, I have a lot of the same thoughts as you re: my purpose, health problems, longevity, & accomplishments.

I live alone, have physical problems which prevent my being as active as I once was & required me to retire almost 7 years ago, with a 50% reduction in pay. My son & family (with my only grandchild) live in another state, & I see them only a couple of times a year. I will be 70 years old on 12/25, & that sounds a lot older to me than 60 "something" also.

I know that I have encouraged others along the way, as have you, by my work through the years in my church, my 7 years as a houseparent to abused & neglected children, my work in a spouse abuse center, & my position for a year as a cast member of a passion play about the life of Christ.

Connecting online has been an encouragement to me, as have the books I read, & the praise & worship music I listen to, & of course prayer & reading the Word. And the sum of it all for me also, is the fact that I am here because this is where the Lord wants me, hopefully - I am able to encourage others by my online comments, the care of my 89 year old aunt (who had a stroke & broke her hip), & by reaching out to others when I go out into my small community (even if infrequently). I hope I am using any available opportunities to reach out to others for the Lord - in the way he would have me to do.

I think your idea for online help/encouragement at the nursing home is a good one. Please know that you have touched many people in many ways.

You are in my prayers!

Darlene Franklin said...

Bonton, thanks for your encouraging words! And hearing how you continue to make a difference.

Darlene Franklin said...

Bonton, thanks for your encouraging words! And hearing how you continue to make a difference.